Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 45 Mile 592-612

Walked through some construction work for a few miles. Started gaining in elevation and big granite boulders started shooting out of the belly of the earth like fingers of a creature trying to escape from the inferno beneath the hot ground. “This I believe” essays played in my ear as I followed Goodale’ Cutoff. At Castle Rock I met visitors from France who were immersing themselves in the untouched nature that is the American West. It’s so empty! Patrick and Pierre Vieville were here visiting Patrick’s sister Rachel and her husband Monte Curran who live in Mountain Home. Pushed on up and saw that the elevation was 5,500 feet and I had no idea how high I was. Camped out in the field and ate left over pizza. Wrote a Haiku poem tonight and played my harmonica.

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